

India had come a long way from being deficit in milk production to being an exporter of milk now. It was the vision of Verghese Kurien that the country, under Operation Flood, became not only self-sufficient in milk production but also exported it. There was a time before 1970 when the country used to import milk. It was now the largest producer of milk in the world. It was due to milk production that farmers were able to lead a dignified life in the country. The country must now usher in a new era of development for the dairy sector, by building procurement infrastructure in milk deficit states and adopting appropriate technology in these regions. World Milk Day was established by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on June 1, 2001, to recognize the importance of milk as a global food. This day provides an opportunity to know the importance and benefit of milk with regards to health and nutrition and the importance of the dairy sector in the global economy. This sector also ...

Investment Opportunities in Animal Husbandry and Dairying in India

India has a large and growing animal husbandry and dairy industry, with many opportunities for investors. Here are some potential areas to consider: Dairy processing: India is the world's largest milk producer, but its processing capacity is still relatively low. Investing in dairy processing plants can be a lucrative opportunity, particularly in areas with high milk production. Animal feed production: With a growing animal husbandry industry, there is increasing demand for high-quality animal feed. Investing in animal feed production can be a good way to tap into this demand. Breeding and genetics: India's animal husbandry industry is still relatively undeveloped in terms of breeding and genetics. Investors could consider funding research and development in this area, or investing in companies that are already working on breeding and genetics. Meat processing: India is the world's second-largest producer of meat, and also has a significant poultry industry. Investing in me...


  INTRODUCTION Proper housing based on scientific principles is an important aspect of dairy animal management for obtaining maximum productivity of the animals. A clean and comfortable shelter increases the comfort level of the animals and results in their good health. The essential criteria for housing dairy animals include animal health and comfort, hygiene, protection from predators, theft, and diseases, efficient and economical use of labour, and provision of a suitable environment for hygienic milk production. In the absence of proper housing, animals are exposed to extreme temperature, wind, cold, rain, snowfall, etc., which adversely affect their health, production, and reproduction. To learn more about scientifically managed dairy practices and integrated livestock solutions, visit — a one-stop platform dedicated to empowering farmers with expert guidance, quality resources, and tech-enabled services for better animal husbandry and dairy productivity....

How does dairy help farmers to be self-dependent and ensures a sustainable economy?

  India had come a long way from being a deficit in milk production to being an exporter of milk now. It was the vision of Verghese Kurien that the country, under Operation Flood, became not only self-sufficient in milk production but also exported it. There was a time before 1970 when the country used to import milk. It was now the largest producer of milk in the world. It was due to milk production that farmers were able to lead a dignified life in the country. T he country must now usher in a new era of development for the dairy sector, by building procurement infrastructure in milk deficit states and adopting appropriate technology in these regions. World Milk Day was established by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on June 1, 2001, to recognize the importance of milk as a global food. This day provides an opportunity to know the importance and benefit of milk with regard to health and nutrition and the importance of the dairy sector in the global economy. This se...

A close watch is always needed to identify the disease symptoms in a cow

Cow health is very important in profitable cow rearing. As soon as the first symptoms of various diseases of cows are noticed, taking remedial action/treatment, It is possible to reduce the financial loss very much.  Identification of Symptoms To find out if any of the cows show any symptoms of the disease, it is of utmost importance to have an individual observation of each of them. This will lead to proper control of diseases and timely care. The tendency to stand with the head bowed or away from the herd is not a good symptom. Healthy cows will have a good appetite and will be seen taking feed efficiently. Not taking feed, and not chewing the cud can be a disease symptom, provided that it is ensured not because of changes in the feed quality or taste. Healthy cows will have soft skin, that can be elastic in nature (ie, it can be pulled easily and if left, it will go back to its original form). Dry and hard skin is a disease symptom. Risen hairs, hair falls and hairs without lust...

Theileria, affects the health of cows; Preventive and curative measures for the awareness of farmers

Theileria is a type of parasitic that enters the bloodstream of cattle. These parasites enter the body of ticks which sucks the blood of cattle. Theileria parasites can survive in the body of the tick for a long time. While the ticks suck the blood of cattle, the parasites are transmitted to the cattle’s bloodstream through the saliva of ticks. These parasites further attack the RBC of cattle blood and thus reduce the Hemoglobin content.  Symptoms of Theileria include fever, weakness, dullness to intake feed, etc.  This disease requires timely injection and treatment, otherwise, this may spread to other organs from blood and become fatal. These parasites take advantage when the cow's immune system is weak. For instance, when the cow is transported from one region to another, change in climate, etc. There should be medicine injection timely during such situations. It is not mandatory to take Theileria medications just by detecting Theileria in the cow's bloodstream. Injections ...

Here are some statistics and schedules that farmers need to know for profitable cattle rearing.

Similar to any other venture, there are certain schedules and statistics involved in cattle farming also. Often the miscalculations and untimely actions lead to losses. Let us learn them one by one : Caring the calves Dairy farmers need to pay attention when it comes to calves' health care : The average weight of a hybrid calf at the time of calving is 25Kgs. The first dose of deworming medication is on the 10th day after birth. The calf should consume colostrum within 30 minutes after birth. The colostrum should be given in a quantity of 5-8% of the calf's body weight. Ie, 2.5-3.5 Kg. After 10-12 hours of first feeding, repeat feeding. From the 2nd and 3rd day onwards, ensure that the calf is consuming milk proportional to 10% of its body weight. Cut the umbilical cord just after calving. Ensure that the cut is 2-3 cms away from the calf’s body. Colostrum is rich in 5-6% fat and 2-5% lactose. Extra teats should be removed within 2 months post-calving. The calf should be ear-ta...